If you hear yourself saying, "My location is not accurate." or "That's not where I am." then this article is for you.
When using the Saleboat Android App please check that:
You have the LATEST version of Saleboat from the Play Store
Your device has data or an internet connection
You are logged in with your username & password
Your device's location is ON
Your device's battery over 30%
Power Saving Mode is OFF
When using Chrome please check that:
You checked all of the above requirements
You have an active internet connection
System doesn’t have my correct location!
When this happens, your device is at fault.
To re-calibrate your devices location:
Open Google Maps
Press the locate me button in the bottom right corner
Your device will now have your correct location
Swipe down from the top right hand corner in order to access the drop-down menu
Ensure the location button is highlighted and indeed active
By continuously pressing on the button you will be redirected to the location options, ensure your location settings are on high accuracy
Device Location is NOT working!
If this occurs you may not be able to check-in to meetings as a result.
Swipe down from the top right hand corner in order to access the drop-down menu
Ensure the location button is highlighted and indeed active
By continuously pressing on the button you will be redirected to the location options, ensure your location settings are on high accuracy
If you've reached the end of this article, you have checked each point & your problem has not been solved - please send a message to our friendly support staff who will gladly assist you.
You can do this by messaging them within Saleboat:
Main Menu > Help > New Conversation