Filter Leads

How do I filter my leads?

Updated over a week ago

You can Sort and Filter the Leads that you add to Saleboat by clicking on the Filter icon to begin the sorting process.

Once you have selected the Sort and Filter Icon, you can Sort and Filter by a variety of criteria as well as a combination, depending on how specific you'd like to be.

What can I filter by when filtering Leads?

This is the filter by screen that you will see when selecting the Sort & Filter icon

You can filter your Leads by as many categories and selections as you need or are applicable. Only the Leads that meet this criteria will be left to view.

Drop downs (on the left):


You can change the Activity with the Lead from the lead card.


You can change the Status of the Lead from the lead card.


You can change the Source of the Lead from the lead card.
These sources are added by the Captain of your Team and you will need to select a source to trace where the lead came from.

Check- boxes (on the right):

Decision Maker Reached

After contacting a Lead by either cold calling them or going to their office for a cold canvass meeting, you can select whether you have reached a Decision Maker, for future reference. You can then add this contact to the lead, so you know who to speak to next time you call.

High Applicability

This check-box allows you to view all of the leads which have an applicability - set by you, above 3 stars (flames).

Low Applicability

This check-box allows you to view all of the leads which have an applicability - set by you, below 3 stars (flames).

If you're looking for ways to further sort & filter your leads, click on one of the blue buttons below to read more:

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