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What can be customized in Saleboat?

Updated over 3 months ago

Captains - Main Menu > Settings


As the Captain of a Team or Organisation, you have the option to customize the Sources that your Organisation or Team use.

If you have a list of marketing or advertising channels and you'd like to be able to see which channel worked for a particular Client or Prospect - you can add those sources here. You can add or remove as you and your team need.

Simply click Name and begin typing which Sources you'd like to capture.
When you're done, click the blue plus to the right to add it to your list.

These Sources can be selected from a drop-down menu in the Client or Prospect profile once they have been added by the Captain of your Organisation.

If you would like to delete or edit a Source:

Simply hover your cursor over the Source you'd like to remove or edit.
If you want to DELETE a Source - click the trashcan icon.
If you want to EDIT a Source - click the pencil icon and edit as you wish.

Classes and classifications

The classifications in a Saleboat account allow you to set customer neglected tolerances for your prospects and clients. Read this article to learn more:


The Reports tab allows you to change the reporting parameters for your account:

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