New Prospects

How can I see how many Leads have become Prospects?

Updated over a week ago

Main Menu > Leads > Today's Stats > New Prospects

This number indicates the number of Leads that were converted to Prospects today.

To convert Leads to Prospects, please read on.

When viewing a Leads details, like this:

You will see this button at the bottom of the form:

On you press INTERESTED, you will be directed to these pages and you will have to fill in all of the information in order to convert this Lead to a Prospect or to a Client.

The address can be typed as you would in Google Maps. You will be presented with a list of possible addresses that best match what you have typed.

If you cannot find the address in the given list, click on the blue text:
Can't find the address

This will allow you to type the address in manually.
It is imperative that the address is 100% correct as this will be used for check in locations and navigation purposes.

If you scroll further down and click MORE, you'll be presented with other options: 

  1. Assigning the Prospect to another user or keeping yourself assigned

  2. Selecting which Industry they belong to

  3. Adjusting where they are in your Sales Pipeline

  4. The ability to alter contact info, if necessary

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