
Saleboat Customer List

Updated over a week ago

Main Menu > Customers
Main Menu > Profile > Customers

Remember: Prospects are qualified leads and Clients are already doing business with you.

Please click on the button below to be redirected to our training video on the Customer list:

This is a list of your current clients and prospects.
From left to right you will see:

  1. Tags

  2. Classification

  3. Pipeline Stage

  4. The Customer's name

  5. Which Rep/s the Customer belongs to

  6. The Current Opportunity (open deal value)

  7. Last contacted date. Red text means they are currently neglected

The last button - 3 vertical dots - on the right is a button that gives you the option to:

  1. View the details page

  2. Assign reps

  3. Add a contact person

The orange shapes on the screen are Tags. Please click on the button below to learn more about what Tags are:

By pressing the white arrow in the search bar, your Filter menu will be visible & it will look something like this:

Please remember that the following fields will be customised to your organisation:

1. Class
2. Pipeline Stage

Click on the button below to learn more about the Filter menu 

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